Simple, Secure, Robust VPN Connections
The Uplevel system supports both site-to-site (S2S) and remote access (laptop) VPN connections. Our VPN is versatile, cloud-mediated for maximum flexibility, and AES-encrypted for high security. Businesses needing to connect their offices or employees no longer need to find it expensive or difficult. Uplevel's unique VPN technology even eliminates the need for purchasing static IPs from ISPs.
All Uplevel setups come with one-click S2S VPNs that work through ISP firewalls (i.e., no 'hole-punching' required).A single click on the portal connects all of the offices of a customer together; the system automatically sets up SSL/TLS tunnels, configures firewall rules, sets up routing, and even manages DNS to let remote sites see each other's resources. The cloud monitors and automatically reconfigures the S2S VPN to accommodate network changes (WAN failovers, ISP link changes, etc.).The S2S VPN is "VLAN-aware" and maintains the same security posture over the VPN as at the physical offices.
Remote work is supported by the system with the same ease-of-use. No need to configure VPN services or manage DHCP pools; instead, just set up user accounts and employees are ready to go immediately. Like the S2S VPN, remote-access VPNs are also "VLAN-aware" and preserve the same access rules over the VPN as at the office. MFA VPN access is supported, together with a variety of different native and installable clients (L2TP, SSTP, SSL, etc.)
For customers needing connections to third-party firewalls or cloud services, our third-party VPN functions enable rapid and easy-to-use connections. Simply copy the information from the third-party firewall or cloud service into the configuration page, and the gateways will automatically bring up VPN tunnels and keep them connected.